
Your Goals Matter

You grew up dreaming big. Becoming a doctor, driving a nice car, even creating something to change the world. Whatever your goals are, ProForce can help you reach them. You found your first big break.

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WSU Student or Ogden, Utah Resident Summer Sales Jobs

Are you a student at Weber State University or live in the Ogden, Utah area and are looking for a summer job? ProForce Summer Sales is now hiring for pest control sales positions.

If you have done summer sales before, then you know how important these 5 things are.

Have the ability to sell every house that you knock on.

At ProForce we find the neighborhoods that are most effective to knock in, where the people who live there can afford our services. Unlike other summer sales companies you will not have to run a lengthy time-consuming credit check to approve a customer. Because ProForce has never sold our customers to another pest control company, you will not be limited to what companies you can switch customers over from. Most of our customers were previously with another company and switched to ProForce to get more bang for the buck.

Selling a service you are proud of and believe in.

ProForce is an innovative pest control company. You will be proud of the service that you will be offering your potential customers. Our sales reps who came to us from previously selling for other companies like that we not only offer a superior general pest control service to that of other companies, they enjoy being able to offer our customers mosquito services and termite services as well.

Be part of a professional and supportive sales team.

From the sports you play to the companies you work for, those who surround you will always have an effect on your success. As a family owned business, this statement means a lot to us. When we hire sales reps, service staff, and executive staff, we only hire those who are going to bring value to all who interact with them. Our team inspires each other.

Offering more, higher quality services than your competitors.

We know that there is more than one kind of customer in the world. Some customers buy regardless of price, they are only looking for the best they can get. ProForce offers just that. The second type of customer wants to save money. With our price and service flexibility you will be able to cater to those customers as well. The last type of customer is the kind who wants to bundle multiple types of service, such as pest control, mosquito control, and termite services. Great news! At ProForce you will be able to help all three types of customers.

Get your backend checks sooner.

Backend checks are important to you as a sales rep. It is where you will be paid a large portion of your summer earnings. With most companies, you won’t see your last check until sometime the following year. This is a way for companies to allow their poor retention rates affect how much money you make. At ProForce, we know that you need your money to pay for things like tuition, and we are sure you would like to use it to buy Christmas presents with as well. That is why we pay our backend checks sooner. Your last backend check will be paid on December 10th of the same year you sold.

ProForce Training

At ProForce we offer you over 100 hours of training throughout the year. On top of that you will be given access to ProForce exclusive training materials.

  • Preseason Trainings
    Preseason trainings are offered once weekly from January until the summer starts. These trainings are crafted with you in mind. We want you to hit the ground running when the summer starts.
  • Summer Training
    You will be given the ability to be a part of our morning training meetings throughout the summer. Our morning meetings usually last for an hour before you leave to go knock on doors. Our reps find that having a training meeting before they get started knocking always starts them off on the right foot. In these meetings, the owners of ProForce along with our top reps will train you on the sales skills you need to improve in order to reach your potential. You will be recorded giving your sales pitch to another person in the meeting and will get to watch how you look, and hear how you sound as you deliver your sales pitch. That way we can help you fix any nonverbal and paraverbal communication that may be leading to not getting all the sales that you know you can get.
  • Training Literature
    ProForce’s training manual was created after over 10,000 hours of knocking on doors, reading the best selling books on sales and communication, shadowing reps that have sold over 900 accounts in a summer, and developing a one-of-a-kind company. It was developed to help everyone from the least experienced to the most experienced reps get better every single day.
  • Training Videos
    Our video training library is always growing to include more sales personalities. We don’t just want you to just read about how your body language should be when selling; we want to show you.
  • On-the-Door Training
    Part of our team leaders' and regional managers' job is to go on the doors with every single rep within their first week of sales. You will have the opportunity to see how they sell, and they will watch you as you knock doors. After they have watched you knock doors they will give you a few things to work on, which will most quickly change the amount of sales you make.
  • Extra Training
    Our managers are always willing to go the extra mile to help you succeed. We will do personal trainings with you before the training meeting in the morning, or even use part of our lunch brake as time to go knock some doors with you if you need or want that extra training.
  • Management Training Program
    We treat all reps as potential future managers, by giving you an opportunity to lead part of your team for a few weeks during the summer. We will give you a list of things to focus on and a bonus at the end of those few weeks if you accomplish your goals. You can use this experience as a resume builder and as an opportunity to progress at ProForce.

ProForce's Unique Advantage

The ability to offer pest, mosquito and termite accounts to potential customers.

One advantage that ProForce has is the ability to sell pest and mosquito accounts. If you have ever sold pest control for a company who either doesn’t offer mosquito control or for a company who’s pricing on mosquito control is too high, then you will quickly realize how much of an advantage you have by selling for ProForce. Here are a few scenarios to help those who haven’t sold understand this advantage.

Scenario 1 Imagine knocking doors in the South East. It is humid and there are a lot of bugs, all kinds of bugs. The creeks and forests and wet lawns all lead to a mosquito problem. So when you are knocking on peoples doors telling them that you want to take care of their bug problem, most of them assume that you also mean mosquitos, especially during the summer when they are at their worst. Now imagine that the company you sell for doesn’t do mosquito control, due to not having a mosquito license (which is different from a pest control license), or the equipment. Now when that person who seemed interested in buying asks you about how that is going to take care of the mosquitos. You are left with two options lie to them and hope they don’t cancel on you before you get paid (horrible option, if this is even an option for you then you don’t belong at ProForce), or you can tell them the truth, that you can’t do anything about them. By telling them you can’t do it, the customer loses interest, and finds a company that can take care of them on Google.

Scenario 2 Imagine the situation is similar to the first. The main difference is that the company you sell for offers mosquito control, but when you sell it you are locking the customer into a $400 mosquito contract along with a $450 pest control contract. We have found that while interviewing reps who sell with companies that have a similar set up only sell 1%-5% of their customers a mosquito service.

The mosquito program that ProForce has set up has enabled our reps to sell 20%-35% of their customers a mosquito services. The mosquito service that we offer, like all of our services, uses the best products and equipment known to mosquito control providers. When developing this program for our company, the sole purpose was to enable our sales reps to be able to close more customers and generate more commissionable revenue. That is why we don’t do mosquito accounts as a contract, and why we allow you to price them as low as we do.

Schedule a meeting and we will show you why this advantage will make a difference of at least $2,000.

Call today to speak with us about Summer Sales with the ProForce Team!

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See What Our Reps Say

"I never thought I’d do summer sales. I’d never sold anything before, but I’d heard stories and seen the stereotypes. I’d been bribed with vacations and other “perks” by pushy recruiters. ProForce was different. I didn’t feel like a number to them. They were open and honest with me about what I could expect, and provided all the training I needed to excel. With ProForce you get to sell the best service, and the most additional services, so you have more ways to attract customers. Selling for ProForce enables me to reach my personal and financial goals years ahead of what I thought was possible. ProForce brings more to the table than any other summer sales company, but don’t just take my word for it -come and see for yourself." Jesse First Year: 260 Accounts Served
"I started in summer sales with a big-name pest control company and sold 103 accounts. After cancellations I was under 100 accounts, which led me to drop into an 18% commission bracket. I am glad I gave summer sales a second shot with ProForce. My first summer I sold 228 accounts with ProForce. The trainings, team, leadership, and the ability to sell mosquito accounts made the difference. I recommend ProForce." JD First Year: 228 Accounts Served

Countdown to Summer Sales

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